About - Find Your Nearest Cash Machine

I was out and about somewhere, and needed to get some cash. Firing up the trusty web browser, I saw Google had an ATM link on its front page. Hooray, I thought. But on following the link, I saw that the results were incomplete, missing ones I knew were there; and it didn't tell you whether a machine charged you or not. It was worse than not being offered the option at all, as I didn't know if it was missing one round the corner.

I found Link (who run the cash machine network) have an ATM locator on their website, but it's fiddly, doesn't work easily on my phone, and requires me to know where I am (in terms of postcode or town). It (eventually) worked for that situation, but when I had some time a short while later, I wrote this page that uses the browser's built in geolocation, requests the ATM data from Link, and simply displays what I'm after.