BBC News Archive — Story headline history
Here is the front page history of story #6514567 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.
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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories
- 31/3/2007, 19:15 – 22:05
- Main headline: Peaceful end urged in Iran crisis
Britain wants a peaceful and swift end to the crisis over 15 Royal Navy personnel held by Iran, Margaret Beckett says. - 31/3/2007, 22:05 – 23:10
- Main headline: Iran leader attacks 'arrogant' UK
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemns the UK as "arrogant and selfish" over the Royal Navy captives crisis. - 31/3/2007, 23:10 – 1/4/2007, 15:00
- Main headline: Bush attacks Iran over captives
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemns the UK as "arrogant and selfish" over the Royal Navy captives crisis.