BBC News Archive — Story headline history
Here is the front page history of story #5405870 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.
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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories
- 4/10/2006, 16:35 – 5/10/2006, 00:05
Right subheadline: People-smuggling leader is jailed
One of the men who led one of the largest people-smuggling rings Scotland Yard has uncovered is jailed.- 5/10/2006, 00:05 – 02:05
Left subheadline: People-smuggling leader is jailed
A ringleader of a massive pan-European gang thought to have smuggled thousands of people into the UK is jailed.- 5/10/2006, 02:05 – 02:30
Right subheadline: People-smuggling leader is jailed
A ringleader of a massive pan-European gang thought to have smuggled thousands of people into the UK is jailed.- 5/10/2006, 02:30 – 02:50
- 2nd other top story: People-smuggling leader is jailed