BBC News Archive — Story headline history
Here is the front page history of story #4678368 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.
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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories
- 3/2/2006, 17:25 – 17:35
- Main headline: 'Many dead' as Egypt ferry sinks
Many people are feared to have died after an Egyptian ferry with about 1,400 people on board sinks in the Red Sea. - 3/2/2006, 17:35 – 4/2/2006, 03:25
- Main headline: 'Many dead' as ferry sinks
Many people are feared to have died after an Egyptian ferry with about 1,400 people on board sunk in the Red Sea. Rescue boats, battling poor weather, have pulled 100 survivors from the water. - 4/2/2006, 03:25 – 05:40
- Main headline: 'Many dead' as Egypt ferry sinks
Hundreds of people are feared to have died after an Egyptian ferry with about 1,400 people on board sank in the Red Sea.