BBC News Archive — Story headline history
Here is the front page history of story #4225564 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.
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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories
- 8/9/2005, 16:20 – 16:45
Main headline: Cloning with two mothers approved
UK scientists grant permission to clone a human embryo that will have genetic material from two mothers.- 8/9/2005, 16:45 – 9/9/2005, 02:25
Main headline: Embryo with two mothers approved
UK scientists have been granted permission to create a human embryo that will have genetic material from two mothers.- 9/9/2005, 02:25 – 03:00
Left subheadline: Embryo with two mothers approved
UK scientists are granted permission to create a human embryo that will have genetic material from two mothers.- 9/9/2005, 03:00 – 05:30
- 3rd other top story: Embryo with two mothers agreed