MP Fab Farts
You know you love it, and it's just a bit of fun (as for the title, think about it...). This is an example of the TheyWorkForYou API, that I wrote. Currently requires JavaScript (to reveal the card and so on) and cookies (to remember which cards you have), sorry. You can also restart with a new deck of cards, or play the two player version.
20 cards
Alicia Kearns
Rutland and Stamford, Conservative
- Comments on speeches: 0
- Debates spoken in: 41
- Use of three word alliterations: n/a
- Written questions asked: 23
- WriteToThem responsiveness: n/a
- WriteToThem messages: n/a
- Swing to lose seat today: n/a
- Division attendance: 69.77%
- Rebelliousness: 3.33%
- Majority: n/a
20 cards