“...one hopes it will be as fanatical about the user experience as it claims to be about film.”
Web Watch, Guardian Online, 31st July 2003
“...unfortunately he’ll probably get a letter from a lawyer before he gets a job offer from them.”
Matt Jones, MacUser

10th July 2004


You have probably visited here looking for some cinema information, and I’m sorry to have to tell you that this site no longer exists. I have received some strongly worded emails from Odeon (first email, my reply, their reply), and under the threat of legal action have had to remove my accessible version of their highly inaccessible website (it fails to work in a wide range of browsers and on entire platforms, and contravenes the Disability Discrimination Act).

I was not taking any commercial advantage from the site – it existed only to provide a service to others and to provide a greater access than that currently provided by the official site (as anyone who has seen my other accessible sites, or read the glowing reviews of my sites by the Guardian, the Independent, or NTK can attest).

I’d like to extend my thanks to all those who have thanked and supported me over the past year. Might I suggest looking at Scoot or in your local newspaper for cinema times in the future.

If you cannot use the official site, and have no choice but to use Odeon cinemas, I urge you to contact Odeon on info@odeonuk.com. Don’t be fobbed off by them saying they’re working on a new version - they’ve been saying that for over two years.


Accessible Odeon

This page is for historial purposes only.

21st September 2004

Other older media appearances

And from when it was live...