BBC News Archive — Story headline history

Here is the front page history of story #5258234 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.

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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories

8/8/2006, 22:05 – 9/8/2006, 05:50
Woman and child in TyreLeft subheadline: UN hears plea to amend resolution
The Arab League makes a formal bid at the UN to secure changes to a draft Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire resolution.
9/8/2006, 05:50 – 08:45
Woman and child in TyreLeft subheadline: UN powers re-think Lebanon draft
The US and France start revising a draft Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire resolution, after the Arab League addresses the UN.
9/8/2006, 08:45 – 13:10
Woman and child in TyreLeft subheadline: UN powers rethink Lebanon draft
The US and France start revising a draft Lebanon ceasefire resolution, after Arab states appeal to the UN.