BBC News Archive — Story headline history

Here is the front page history of story #5126614 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.

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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories

29/6/2006, 04:05 – 09:45
Zahid MubarekLeft subheadline: Racist cell murder report awaited
A public inquiry is reporting on how a racist teenager was able to batter to death his Asian cellmate six years ago.
29/6/2006, 09:45 – 12:05
Zahid Mubarek Right subheadline: Racist cell murder report awaited
A public inquiry is reporting on how a racist teenager was able to batter to death his Asian cellmate six years ago.
29/6/2006, 12:05 – 12:15
1st other top story: Racist cell murder report awaited
29/6/2006, 12:15 – 12:20
1st other top story: Racist prison murder 'avoidable'
29/6/2006, 12:20 – 15:25
Robert StewartMain headline: Racist prison murder 'avoidable'
The murder of an Asian prisoner by his racist cellmate could have been prevented, an inquiry has concluded.
29/6/2006, 15:25 – 30/6/2006, 02:20
Zahid Mubarek Right subheadline: Racist prison murder 'avoidable'
The murder of an Asian prisoner by his racist cellmate could have been prevented, an inquiry has concluded.
30/6/2006, 02:20 – 04:20
4th other top story: Racist prison murder 'avoidable'
30/6/2006, 04:20 – 05:20
5th other top story: Racist prison murder 'avoidable'
30/6/2006, 05:20 – 06:25
6th other top story: Racist prison murder 'avoidable'